Teach LA Live! Educator Certification Portal
Teach LA Live! is the online educator certification portal designed to improve customer service and bring teacher certification into the digital age. The portal allows for easy communication among state and local staff, electronic submission of certification applications, and online payment of fees. Access Teach LA Live! HERE.
Certification Applications and Fees Updated
The information in the certification application packets must be updated to reflect changing laws and policies. When applying, it is imperative to use the current application (with a revision date of June 1, 2024). To access current application packets, visit the "Certification Applications & Forms" page by clicking on the link on the right menu. Download the application to your computer, complete it, save it, and then provide it to your employer or upload it to the portal.
1/1/2025 - Criminal Background Check (CBC) Requirement for Certification
In accordance with Louisiana law (R.S. 17:8.9), a criminal background check (CBC) is required for teacher certification. A CBC for certification is typically a one-time requirement, separate from any background check done for employment (including the CCCBC for employment eligibility in an early childhood center), and will not expire. Due to legal restrictions, employment CBCs cannot be shared with LDOE for certification. A fingerprint-based CBC, processed through the Louisiana State Police Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information, is mandatory for the issuance, renewal, advancement, or modification of a certificate.
Effective January 1, 2025, all certification applications submitted to LDOE will undergo a first-line review to determine whether the applicant must be fingerprinted before processing. If no valid CBC is found on file for the applicant, the applicant will be instructed to schedule fingerprinting at an IdentoGO location.
Once the applicant's CBC is cleared, a "Clear Credential" will be added to their certification record, allowing all certification requests to be processed.
For more information email EducatorClearance@la.gov.