Message from the Director of Federally Funded Programs
The Iberia Parish School system receives annual competitive and formula federal grants. These grants are managed by a team of experts who specialize in the areas specific to the various grants. Below is a short description of each of these grants, and how the grant is used to meet the needs of our students. Needs are determined based on the results of annual needs assessments.
Although the grants listed above are the most common grants received by the Iberia Parish School District, other temporary grants become available unexpectedly. Examples of temporary grants include, but are not limited to, hurricane relief, pandemic relief, and state-wide education initiatives. The Federal Programs team always analyses what is available and applies for any funds that are applicable to the students’ needs. It is the goal of this department to ensure that those children who are categorized as members of a diverse student population are given every opportunity to succeed in school, to graduate from high school, and to pursue the college or career of their choice.
It is my greatest joy, privilege and honor to serve these students and their families.
Brett Ferguson
Non-Public Schools
Brett Ferguson
Director of Federally Funded Programs
Crystal Arceneaux
Title I Parental Involvement Specialist
EL Coordinator
Kim Melancon
Title I Instructional Specialist
Samantha David
Instructional Technology Support Supervisor
Jennifer Foster
System Accountability
Kyla Aucoin
School Improvement &
Assessment Specialist
Sandra Leutiger
Migrant Advocate
Homeless Liaison
Patricia Patout
ESL Interventionist/Translator
Iberia Parish Educational Center
1204 LeMaire Street
New Iberia, LA 70560
(337) 364-7641
(337) 367-9611 Fax